A Magical Winter Wonderland Weekend!!!
February 7-9, 2014
Friday - Sunday (2 Days & Nights)
Fun Filled Days of Activities
Toboggans ~ Snow Play ~ Sledding ~ Saucers ~Archery ~ Riflery
Karaoke ~ Fencing ~ Volleyball ~ Arts & Crafts ~ Fishing
Mystery Menu Dinner ~ Table Games ~ Hot Coco and much more!!!
Kids 5-16 come have a blast! Join us and have an unforgettable weekend. Have your kids cruise up, and spend
some time with the friends they haven’t seen since summer camp and make new ones along the way. Weather
Permitting; we’ll be doing a lot of the activities you know and love and lots of snow play. Check out
our awesome schedule to see what’s in store for your kids at Winter Camp.
Shuttle locations & times please see shuttle/payment form.
Winter Camp Fee only $195 & Optional Shuttle $40-$60 per child. This
price includes all activities (weather permitted) meals and lodging.
Please fill out the application and payment/shuttle form and mail or fax it with
your full payment. Health history portion of application must be completely
filled out and signed. Program and activity are subject to change.
Space is limited don’t miss out!
Please call 805-498-5572, check our website www.wasewagan.com or email crazzycraig@earthlink.net for application and shuttle forms.
Come join us. You'll be glad you did!
Crazzy Craig